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nick hughes skating


Hi! My name is Nick, and I am a create-aholic. Quite simply, I love bringing creatures and ideas to life. I have been working in the visual effects industry for around 10 years and met Ross (our genius artist) while working as the Technical Director for Beano on 'Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed'. I had been writing for fun in my spare time and after seeing how incredible his artwork was realised I needed to get my books made with him.


Whenever I have spare time you will find me writing short stories, writing code, ice-skating or seeing my awesome friends.


My passion for creativity came from a young age. My mum started taking me ice skating, and I began to find myself hooked on the art, choreography and storytelling aspects of my sport. My obsession with ice dance got me to national, and international competitions and even the Olympic squad. This passion hasn't changed much, I still love learning new and exciting skills wherever I can and applying them to the real or not-so-real world.



My name is Ross and I'm a Concept Artist / Illustrator / Storyboard Artist with over 12 years experience working in the Video Games and Television industry.  I've been lucky enough to work with some fantastic teams and talented folks on such projects as Fable Legends, The Sims Social, Spare Parts, Battlefield 2, Harry Potter, Zubo and more. Most recently I have spent the last year working with a great team at Jellyfish pictures as Art Director on the new Dennis and Gnasher series for Beano and BBC.


I've been drawing for as long as I can remember,  scribbling Han Solo or Spiderman,  devouring He-Man comics, inspired by the breadth of characters in Thundercats and Ninja Turtles,  mesmerized by the video game art I would find in Mean Machines magazine,  sellotaping together my own Aliens comics - and it's fantastic fun to put this lifelong passion to work.


I love what I do, and enjoy sharing that enthusiasm and passion in the workplace. I love to draw, to create, to put pencil to paper or lightpen to screen. I sketch fast and work hard, producing high quality artwork in a variety of styles.  Jumping into the creative process with colleagues and exploring the artistic possibilities never gets dull.  

Magic Tree Tales Text and Illustrations © Nick Hughes 2022
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